COVID-19 aur Vaayu Pradushan ki Dugni Maar, Apne Bacchon ke liye hum kitne taiyyar
July 03, 2021
2nd Parent Group Meeting

Virtual Thinkathon: Enhancing Public-Private Partnership to Mitigate Air Pollution
April 20, 2021
2nd Policy Dialogue

CHANGE (Climate and Health Actions to Nurture Glocal Efforts) Hackathon
April 7, 2021
National Youth Hackathon on Air Pollution

eGOSHTHi#4 - MyWAR: Waste and Air Pollution Responsibility Continues…
February 20, 2021
Virtual session for RWAs

Climate Change: The New Thinking School
January 27, 2021
Video launch by David Kennedy, Minister Counselor, US Embassy

eGOSHTHi#3 - MyWAR: Waste and Air Pollution Responsibility
January 22, 2020
Virtual session for RWAs

Role of Youth Towards Curbing Air Pollution
December 5, 2020
Training for school and college students

Chulha Video
November 27, 2020
Chulha video launch by Hon'ble Lt. Governor of Delhi, Shri. Anil Baijal

eGOSTHTi – Clean Air Through Residents' Efforts (CARE)
November 20, 2020
Virtual roundtable with the RWAs of Delhi/NCR

Training for School and College children – Faridabad
September 07, 2020
Webinar: - Becoming Saaf Hawa Aur Naagrik (SHAN) Warrior.

B.E.S.T. (Breathe Easy Stay Tough) Club Launch and Training Program – Gurugram
August 01, 2020
Understanding the basics of Air Pollution and its health impacts.

Air Quality in South Asia: Opportunities and Challenges
July 30, 2020
To discuss a roadmap towards cleaner air in South Asia.

Training for School Children – Ghaziabad
June 06, 2020
Becoming Saaf Hawa Aur Naagrik (SHAN) Warrior.

Virtual Debate Competition
June 05, 2020
A virtual debate competition on school students on the occasion of World Environment Day.

Air Pollution Awareness Study
June 04, 2020
Air Pollution Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey in Delhi-NCR.

Air Pollution Policy Dialogue
June 04, 2020
Panel discussion on policy imperatives for engaging masses in Delhi-NCR.